A project of the pavement of the square in the village of Vlachovo Březí in South Bohemia.
The structure of the square tiles follows the sacral geometry of the church and geomantic properties of the surrounding landscape. From the subtle energy point in front of the altar in the church interior, there are energy lines running in the star pattern into the neighbouring energy sites in the nearby landscape. The directions of these energy lines are captured and highlighted by lines in the pavement of the square by stones of different colours. This is an implementation where subtle energy geomantic features are incorporated into the architectural work of the landscape in an artistic manner .
I have begun to visit he landscape around the town of Vlachovo Březí in 1987. I was therefore delighted when in 2005, I was awarded the project a new solution and paving of the square. I based the artistic solution and structure of the pavement on the idea to “print” the subtle energy lines directions in the tiles. As I discovered during my geomantic survey, most of them heads into the power point in front of the altar in the church interior.