A study of the Bemagro ecological organic farm complex in Meziříčí u Kaplice. The proposed buildings will include farm for breeding hens and pigs, administrative building, canteen, training hall, small dairy plant, and small slaughterhouse. The building will be built from environmentally friendly building materials. Phase I of the project is the dairy. There will also be a new wastewater treatment plant.

Finished Building


Office interiors are placed in first floor of the Bemagro milk factory. All furniture is made from larch-tree wood. All surfaces are painted with natural oil by Kreidezeit.

Project of interiors


Samples of sketches from the early stages of the project when the ideas of the needs and future use of the buildings in the emerging facility were born. Sketches were created along with the creation of architectural models. The models were developed together with company employees.

Creation of the Model

Samples of the architectural model. They were created together with company employees.

From the Construction

Example of the Implementation Documentation

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