Entries by Oldřich Hozman

The Book “Der Architekt Oldrich Hozman, Ein Lebensbild”. Autor Jörg Hermann Schröder.

Oldřich Hozman designs, creates and develops exceptional interiors, gardens and houses. This biography wants to give an insight into his life, his way of working, his versatile abilities and his consistent pursuit of the path he has taken: to create a livable and cultural environment for people from a human poin of view that understands the development of […]

12 Senses in Komensky and Steiner wisdom

Content of Oldrich Hozman´s introductory lecture on Hands On Conference in Pilsen, Czech Republik (11.10.2017): Cultivating Twelve Human Senses and Human Skills. The Legacy of Educational Visionary Jan Amos Komensky. 12 Senses in Rudolf Steiner’s Wisdom about being Human. Article in pdf format (lecture in writting form) Play here (YouTube)

Lecture and workshop Twelve senses on the conference HANDS ON in Pilsen

11. mezinárodní konference Hands On! 10.—14. 10. 2017 (Plzeň, Písek, Praha) Článek (obsah přednášky v psané formě v anglickém jazyce) Video z úvodní přednášky (YouTube) Video z workshopu modelování dvanácti smyslů (YouTube) 360 stupňů video z workshopu “Práce s 12 smysly člověka” Na konferenci se uskutečnila přednáška a workshop Oldřicha Hozmana v rámci programu konference dne 11.10.2017. 11.10.2017 – úvodní přednáška ak. arch. Oldřicha Hozmana na […]

Organic Architecture in the Spirit of Catalan Traditions

An article for the Můj dům (My house) magazine, issue 11/2015; article author: Vlastimil Růžička There aren’t many organic houses in our country, their number has been increasing rapidly, as a result of nature protection and energy savings. The building designed by the architect Oldřich Hozman is located in the fertile plain, between the villages of […]

In the Name of Rounded Friendliness

Domov (Home) Magazine, February 2016; text by Vít Straňák Natural materials, ecological approach, landscaping, applying the principles of geomancy, feng shui, sacred geometry … And especially holistic architecture. All of these concepts have been inseparably linked with the name of Oldřich Hozman for many years. His unmistakable style of curved buildings is innovative in its […]