In the Name of Rounded Friendliness

Domov (Home) Magazine, February 2016; text by Vít Straňák Natural materials, ecological approach, landscaping, applying the principles of geomancy, feng shui, sacred geometry … And especially holistic architecture. All of these concepts have been inseparably linked with the name of Oldřich Hozman for many years. His unmistakable style of curved buildings is innovative in its […]

Shaping the architecture of Waldorf Schools (Part 2)

Article for the Člověk a výchova (People and Education) magazine 1/2015, author: Oldřich Hozman In the issue before last of the Člověk a výchova (People and Education) magazine, at the beginning of the first article I emphasized the importance of the impact of lively, plastically, and artistically shaped structures for education and training. In the first part of this subsequent article, I would like to describe the basic characteristics of the living plastic creation of architecture, in more details – with the features of such aesthetic formation, based on the spiritual view on the developing human. In the second part of the text we will look at how the construction of school buildings can contribute to teachings of the perception and experiencing of the truth, beauty and goodness.

House as a Poppy Flower

Holistic principles of the construction “The concept of the house is based on a holistic perception of the relationship among man, nature and architecture,” Oldřich Hozman explains. “The construction design takes into account not only energy savings, for which we pay money, but also the level of unmeasurable effects of subtle energies.” That’s why I also paid attention to the quality aesthetic level of details and I was consistently choosing materials close to nature and men. The house is described in the article in details, including home floor plans and sizes.. Domov (Home Magazine), September 2015, Author Vít Straňák

A story of the house in El Palol, Spain

An article for the Střechy-Fasády-Izolace (Roof-Facade-Insulation) magazine, issue 7-8 / 2015; author: Oldřich Hozman A story and description of ecological house construction from local natural materials. The house is built in northern Spain, not far from the Mediterranean Sea. The emergence of the shape of the house was based on a joint artistic work with the client. The facade is organically shaped from clay plaster. In the article, you will learn the details of the construction process.

Story of the house in Spain, a lecture of the “Příběhy domů” (Stories of Houses) conference.

Story and lecture about building a house in northern Spain. An organic architecture of the house and natural building materials. Description of the construction process and telling the story of the entire project. Lecture length 30 minutes.

Sacred Geometry and Golden Section

Article for the Domov magazine 3/2015, author: Vít Straňák

Proponents of sacred geometry emphasize that simple geometric relationships can be found in every life form, proving the geometric nature of the universe. Some simple examples include honeycomb nature (although built of rings have a regular hexahedron shape in the end) sophisticated shells of the Nautilus marine cephalopod species (forming logarithmic spirals), but also a remarkable structure of snowflakes which have the form of fractals. Fractals are at first glance the most complicated geometrical objects currently examined by mathematics, but they often have surprisingly simple mathematical structure. All this can be – and is – a huge impetus for inspiring architecture.

Shaping the architecture of Waldorf Schools (Part 1)

Article for the Člověk a výchova (People and Education) magazine 3/2015, author: Oldřich Hozman One of the cornerstones of education at Waldorf schools is for the pupils to experience correct classification of a human being among the qualities of the spirit and the Earth. One tool of deepening of the experience is teaching art and artistically shaped buildings and their surroundings. How do these experiences help in shaping the school environment will be the content of the first part. In the introduction we will talk about the human actions related to the influence of the power of the intention. Next, I will pay attention to particular visible characteristics of architecture schools expressing their relationship with spirit. In the next part of the article I will describe how we experience what we perceive as human (as opposed to the plant or animal world) in architecture. The last part will be devoted to the experiencing and the influence of materialistic earth qualities to architecture schools.

The subtle forces of the Earth

Article for the Domov magazine 2/2015, author: Vít Straňák

What is the recipe? Should we pretend, in the spirit of the exact sciences, that something does not exist? “In my project I focus on the development of positive mood,” reads the recipe of Oldřich Hozman. “I have observed that when a person is in positive mood, geopathic zone have no impact on them.” An architect attempts to develop positive mood in projects, e.g. by using the method of collective creation or different artistic methods that promote self-actualization and inner self-expression of a man. They seek to enable all parties cooperating to find themselves and to be able to artistically express themselves. “People are then deeply satisfied and fulfilled. They enjoy the creation and the fact that the project has incorporated their wishes. They are strengthened in their self, become healthier and not affected by groundwater. ”

Cornerstones of the Holistic Architecture

An article for the Domov (Home) magazine 1/2015; author: Vít Straňák Creating a healthy relationship between the human soul and genius loci of the place. Holistic architecture in a nutshell. This article is an introduction to the “Alternativní bydlení” (Alternative Housing) series of in the Domov (Home) magazine. What is the recipe? Should we pretend, in the spirit of the exact sciences, that something does not exist? “In my project I focus on the development of positive mood,” reads the recipe of Oldřich Hozman. “I have observed that when a person is in positive mood, geopathic zone have no impact on them.” An architect attempts to develop positive mood in projects, e.g. by using the method of collective creation or different artistic methods that promote self-actualization and inner self-expression of a man. They seek to enable all parties cooperating to find themselves and to be able to artistically express themselves. “People are then deeply satisfied and fulfilled. They enjoy the creation and the fact that the project has incorporated their wishes. They are strengthened in their self, become healthier and not affected by groundwater. ” “This is the second article of the “Alternativní bydlení” (Alternative Housing) series of in the Domov (Home) magazine.

Shaping force of the spirit, a project of social facilities in the Czech Kopisty by Terezín

Article for the  Mensch und Architektur Magazine, issue 78/80, 2013, author: Oldřich Hozman. I wished that the project was created in a social way and that the true spirit of the shaping forces could enter it .This means both the Camphill community spirit and also the creative spirit of its individual citizens. That’s why I recommended using the modelling clay for the formation of the model and joint modelling as the as the basic method of the design. It is the way, where creative powers of inspiration from communities and individuals can directly enter the shaped mass. At the same time, everyone can see the arising result, being able to comment on it and there is a consensus formed in the community. This creates a living work of art, “a social work”. We modelled the model two days in a group of about ten people and we enjoyed this   with creative fun. Such joint creation also has another advantage from the spiritual point of view. Everything that arises is consciously experienced by all, and everyone can mentally connect with it. Each person’s becomes consciously adopted and he or she then clearly tries to achieve it by their own will. We have been successful and some of the planned parts have already been created. For example, the staircase with a barrier-free ramp and wooden pergola with a balcony over the main entrance to the current community building. Some interiors have also been finished already.